Let the tears flow

Today is a new day, let’s conquer it!

I heard something the other day that hit me. Simon Sinek (author and speaker) has a rule with his close friends: no crying alone. What does that mean? That if you are to the point of frustration, exhaustion, or whatever it is that you can’t hold it in, reach out to someone and let all that out with them.

That hit me hard. God never intended us to go through life alone, yet we don’t want to show that we are vulnerable to others. We don’t want others to see us cry. We don’t want to be a burden to someone else. So we cry alone.

Just a little encouragement today, that if you’ve hit that point in life, whatever it is, to reach out to someone you trust and let it all out. Let the tears flow. Let the emotions flow. Let your walls down. You will feel better afterwards.

Thank you for letting me share a little with you during the week.

Hope you have a blessed day and remember to shine your light, because it’s a dark world out there.